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Windows designed for very demanding customers. Windows with multiple features. Energy-saving windows with double glazed unit filled with inert gas and functional fittings with ventilation position. The windows have four levels of tilt and burglar-proof latch in every RU leaf. This series enables you to select window shape and fit the window ideally to the building style.
Classical solution available in three versions:

  • Heat and low energy loss.
  • Good equipment.
  • Three visual variants.
VEKA Perfectline
VEKA Perfectline is the latest generation of multi-chamber profiles characterised by classical and very elegant line. Perfectline system lets you build perfect windows to give the inhabitants even better protection against heat and noise. Perfectline system windows set new, higher safety standards. These windows enable you to give an individual character to a building according to the dwellers' wishes and requirements. Broad range of colours and designs will meet the most sophisticated tastes and enable smooth inclusion of elegant windows in any type of facade. Window's style is highlighted with seal colours: classical and distinct black or elegant and reserved gray. Select one of them to shape the architecture of your house.

Systemy VEKA — Po prostu solidnie! VEKA systems — Simply robust!
Pakiet profili Perfectline ma wysokość 118 mm, co sprawia, że okno ma większą powierzchnię szyby i doskonale doświetla pomieszczenie. Perfectline profiles unit is 118 mm high which results in large pane area and great additional light for rooms.
Specjalna konstrukcja wzmocnienia skrzydła gwarantuje idealną statykę i bezpieczeństwo. Special design of leaf reinforcement ensures ideal static features and safety.
Pewne osadzenie szyby w profilu o głębokości 24 mm powoduje, że okno staje się bezpieczne i trudniej je sforsować niepożądanym gościom oraz pozwala ograniczyć skraplanie się na szybie pary wodnej. Robust fitting of pane in 24 mm deep profile makes a window safe and harder to break in. It also limits condensation of water vapour on pane.
Elegacka, z zaokrąglonymi konturami linia profili Perfectline, sprawia że pasują one do każdego stylu architektonicznego. Elegant line of Perfectline profiles with rounded contours makes them a perfect fit for any architectural style.
13-milimetrowa oś wrębu okuciowego daje lepsze zabezpieczenie przed wyłamaniem lub wyjęciem okna. 13 mm axis of a fitting notch means better protection against breaking out or removal of window.
Specjalna uszczelka z komorą chroni przed przenikaniem wilgoci i powietrza. Special seal with a chamber protects against humidity and air penetration.
Zamknięte wzmocnienie stalowe zapewnia idealną statykę i bezpieczeństwo. Closed steel reinforcement provides ideal static characteristics and safety.`
Pięciokomorowy system zapewnia doskonałą ochronę cieplną oraz silne tłumienie hałasu. 5-chamber system gives perfect thermal protection and great noise cancelling features.
Ścianki zewnętrzne w klasie A o grubości 3 mm z tolerancją wymiarową 0,2 mm. Class A external walls, 3 mm thick, dimensional tolerance 0.2 mm.
Gładkie powierzchnie są łatwe w pielęgnacji i nie wymagają konserwacji. Smooth surfaces are easy to care for and maintenance-free.
Uszczelki z powierzchniami ukierunkowanymi, jak profile, ze spadkiem 15 stopni, dają doskonałą ochronę przed niekontrolowaną wymianą powietrza i znakomicie odprowadzają wodę oraz zanieczyszczenia. Seal surfaces shaped as profiles with 15 degree slope give perfect protection against uncontrolled exchange of air and ensure efficient removal of water and dirt.

Veka Perfectline

As the name states, VEKA Perfectline is perfection in every inch; also applies to the internal profile structure. 70 mm wide and 5 chambers mean optimum performance, i.e. high thermal insulating capacity, ideal noise protection, and window stability guaranteed for the whole usable life. New design of 13 mm birdsmouth to align the system with the growing market demands. This lets you install new generation fittings which give higher safety standard.

VEKA Perfectline

VEKA Perfectline - diagram

Advantages of Perfectline profiles
  • 5-chamber system with 70 mm fitting depth (frame width) which ensures very high heat protection: With standard pane (U=1.0 or 1.1 W/m2K) you obtain heat penetration factor U=1.2 to 1.3 W/m2K for complete window. If using panes with lower heat penetration factor, it is possible to reach U<1.0 W/m2K. (Calculations according to DIN-EN 10077, the U values apply to window dimensions 123 x 148 cm, i.e. area 1.82 m2).
  • Pane thickness from 14 to 42 mm may be used.
  • Thickness of a profile's outside walls ≥ 2.8 mm, i.e. parameters meeting the highest requirements of RAL – Class A.
  • Two outside seals system enables very good tightness, acoustic and heat insulation. Seal surfaces are positioned at 15 degrees (the same as profiles) to enable very good drainage of water and dirt.
  •  Proven steel reinforcements for great static capacity, long-term window performance and burglar-proof protection. The frame includes a chamber for a closed steel reinforcement and leaf has a chamber for double wave open reinforcement (a unique solution in windows). Maximum leaf width available: 1500 mm without extra security features.
  • Classical design and balanced proportions. Reserved, neutral looks and internal contours to match nearly any facade. The profiles may be bent to create arcs. Three types of decorative glazing bars available: Inside, outside glued or dividing the window structure.
  • Low total side height of leaf and frame profiles at approx. 118 mm ensures larger glass pane area and great lighting parameters.
  • Robust installation of fittings in leaf and frame through several profile walls, including security hardware.
  • Additional fixing elements for fittings may be installed in frame and load-bearing elements may be installed to a closed section steel reinforcement.
  • High-grade PVC profiles with smooth, easy care, maintenance-free surfaces.
  • 13 mm axis of a fitting groove means good protection against breaking out or removal of window.
  • Robust setting of pane in a profile at 24 mm limits condensation of water vapour on pane and makes a window harder to break by burglars.
  • Seals available in ash or caramel colours to match profile finish and make windows more aesthetic.
  • If used with appropriate panes, the system meets meeting the requirements of class 6 acoustic insulation, i.e. cancelling noise up to 50 dB (e.g. express motorway with traffic intensity up to 5000 vehicles/hour).